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SalzburgerLand and its regions

Geographic location and division

SalzburgerLand has belonged to Austria for more than 200 years. Before Salzburg belonged to Bavaria but now it is one of the nine Austrian counties.

Salzburg, or better said SalzburgerLand, is organised in five ‘Gaus’ – Flachgau, Tennengau, Pongau, Pinzgau and Lungau. The state capital of Salzburg is located in the north of the county and is known worldwide as the City of Mozart.

By the way: Salzburg got its name from the rich Salt deposits which were previously mined on the Dürrnberg near Hallein and transported along the Salzach river.

Key Facts

County: Salzburg
Size/Area: 7.154,23 km²
Inhabitants: 538.258 (start of 2015)
State Capital: Salzburg
(148,256 inhabitants – start of 2015)
Largest Lake: Wolfgangsee or Abersee
Most Important River: Salzach, Saalach
Highest Mountain: Großvenediger (3,674 Metres)
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