The hosts were the Organic Paradise representatives, Daniel Pfeifenberger from the organic apiary Bienenlieb in Salzburg, and Birgit Schattbacher from the bijoFarm in Fusch, where the 1st Organic Paradise Picnic took place.
Organic Paradise SalzburgerLand Picnic is now open for individual bookings
The Organic Picnic is now available for individual bookings for events, company celebrations or weddings from the Organic Paradise SalzburgerLand hosts Birgit Schattbacher and Daniel Pfeifenberger. Enquiries at info@biopicknick.at
The main role in the 1st Organic Paradise Picnic was played by nature itself and what it brings forth
With fresh mountain air, lush green meadows and the chirping of birds. Seasonal and local organic products, lovingly refined, are what made this cosy picnic a heavenly taste experience. Organic honey from the organic apiary Bienenlieb in Salzburg City was just as important in the picnic basket as fruits and herbs from the garden of the bijoFarm. Each guest received a picnic basket with various delicacies in glass jars. Cold cucumber cream soup, fresh cheese spread with fresh herbs, herb-carrot salad, cakes in a glass with hand-picked blueberries from the Alpine pasture, fruit salad, various kinds of cheeses, and homemade pastries and bread. Up to the picnic meadow, an E-Car little by little delivered scrambled eggs, Rosenburger with Pulled Beef, Zebu Beef from the farmhouse with sweet red cabbage and other delicacies.
Many guests were welcomed, including
Provincial Councillor Maria Hutter, Leo Bauernberger from SalzburgerLand Tourismus GmbH, Franz Walton as Deputy Chairman and owner of the Forsthofalm in Leogang, Robert Rosenstatter as Managing Director of BioArt AG and Chairman of the Bioparadise SalzburgerLand, Director Renate Schaffenberger from the Seeham Tourist Board, Christian Eder, Wohlfühlhotel Castello in Königsleiten, as well as Peter Hecht and Sebastian Herzog von Bio Austria. From the region and the surrounding area, there were also Hannes Schernthaner, Mayor of Fusch on the Großglocknerstraße, Georgia Winkler-Pletzer, Managing Director of the Hohe Tauern National Park region and Chairwoman of the Grossglockner Zellersee Tourist Board, and Christian Wörister, Managing Director Hohe Tauern National Park.
A feel-good break on the bijoFARM
Sit back, relax and let the sun shine on your belly. Try the finest organic treats and home-made specialities that are more lovingly prepared here than anywhere else. The bijoFARM is located in a place of special well-being, characteristically charming and nestled between meadows and forests, in Fusch on the Glocknerstraße. Natural resources are handled here with the utmost consistency in sustainable and value-add management. The result is the finest organic cuisine with a quality guarantee.
Organic Show Farms – get a glimpse behind the scenes
The produce at the Organic Paradise Picnic come from organic show farms in SalzburgerLand. This project, from Bio-Austria Salzburg, enables interested visitors to get an insight into work on an organic farm. Here, you have the unique opportunity to taste certified organic produce from all over the county of Salzburg, and to make them and purchase them yourself.
Bee love goes through the stomach
Living sustainably and keeping your ecological footprint small. What still sounds abstract for many people, bee-lover Daniel Pfeifenberger has set himself this goal. In 2013, he launched an initiative which he had been talking about for some time – the organic apiary Bienenlieb (Bee Love). Here, not only is the world’s best organic honey produced, but also ointments, cereals, mead and recently also gin-bien.
Why not adopt some bees?
This beekeeper’s centre has developed into a contact point for bee lovers. More than 200 beehives are situated in the City of Salzburg and the surrounding area. Training courses for school classes and kindergarten groups, and various other events are held there. If you want to become a beekeeper, this is the right address. There is also the possibility to support the project with a sponsorship. A large number of private individuals and companies have already adopted individual hives.