Birgit Mörtl is one of the figureheads of the worldwide body painting and stage costume scene. Not only is she a triple body painting world champion, but she has also been responsible for all of the costumes and sets on many international productions such as “Lord of the Dance”. For this year’s Life Ball Style Bible she travelled the length of SalzburgerLand in order to create the extravagant and flamboyant looks together with the Life Ball team.

©Markus Morianz/Life Ball Style Bible
The 41-year-old puts her creative talents towards a good cause for the Life Ball and LIFE+ organisation, and belongs, alongside the organiser and founder Gery Keszler, to the experienced team responsible for the Life Ball Style Guide photo shoot. The photo shoot for the Life Ball’s anniversary year took place in SalzburgerLand and was dedicated to the Sound of Music. “A special challenge lay ahead for us in the many changes of scene, as we were filming at the original Sound of Music locations,” says Birgit Mörtl. “But as always it was such fun and once again this year the Style Bible has become a real highlight.”

© Manuel Hidden / Life Ball
Birgit Mörtl’s style tips for the Life Ball 2018
“The ‘Sound of Music’ is by nature very traditional and classic,” explains Birgit Mörtl. “But it goes without saying that we’ve already got a lot of ideas for lavish appearances at the Life Ball 2018.” Those with a Life Ball Style Ticket who intend to have body painting done can contact Birgit Mörtl and her team now to get themselves styled. It’s absolutely fine by Birgit Mörtl if you don’t want to wear authentic Austrian attire such as Lederhosen or a Dirndl, but instead prefer to have traditional attire drawn on by airbrush and paintbrush!