
The Harvest Festival travels around the world

Austrian outfits around the World

Vacation is scheduled! Dirndl & Lederhosen in your suitcase!
Join in and send us your foto or video!
Fantastic rewards await!

Do you enjoy wearing your gold hat, lederhosen (leather pants), or dirndl—a traditional Austrian dress—to the public? Do you consider wearing traditional clothes to be a way of life, something you do whenever possible? Do you find solace in the many customary activities held during Salzburg’s Harvest Festival? Next, spread the Harvest Festival throughout the globe by traveling outside of Austria while dressed in your Salzburg or Austrian outfit, and tell us about your adventures.


Awaiting you are excellent prizes from our enduring Harvest partners: Tourist Office Rauri valley, Stiegl private brewery, Raiffeisen Salzburg, SalzburgMilch, Gössl, and Salzburger Lagerhäuser await.

What’s the matter?

Tracht (traditional austrian Outfits) is more than just clothing; it is a unifying factor that binds people from across the globe. We therefore send the Salzburger Harvest Festival this year on global travels. Bring yourself along as well! Bring the Harvest Festibal and show us where you can go with your trait whenever you are outside of Austria’s borders, or if you are living abroad, show us how you carry out your trait there.

Who can participate?

Everyone who is interested in taking their Salzburger/Austrian Tracht with them on their journey outside Austrian borders, or who is simply a willing companion who sends us a picture or video of themselves, their group, their club, etc.

Here´s how it works!

  1. Record: Take a photo or a short video (dance move, song, short message, etc.) of you/your group in Salzburg/Austrian traditional costume in front of a landmark or a beautiful place. It is important that it is taken outside of Austria and not generated by AI.
  2. Submit: Submit your contribution from now until September 16, 2024. There are two ways to do this:
    • a) via the link
    • b) Post your picture on Instagram with the hashtag #bauernherbst and tag @salzburgerland
  3. Among all submissions, our prominent Farmer’s Autumn jury will select the most creative contributions for online voting.
  4. Vote: Participate in the online voting! Vote daily from September 19 to October 17, 2024, on the website for your favorite contribution and encourage friends, family, and acquaintances to join in.
  5. Win: Attractive prizes from our long-term partners await the submitters and voters.
  6. Best-of: At the end of October, we will publish a “Best-of” – with a bit of luck, you might be featured!

The Timeline

  • From now until Monday, September 16, 2024: Submit your photo or video to us
  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024: Jury meeting behind closed doors
  • Thursday, September 19, 2024 to Thursday, October 17, 2024: Vote for your favorite contribution – preferably daily
  • Mid-October 2024:
    • Announcement of the winners on the Harvest Festival homepage
    • Notification of the winners
    • Publication of the most popular contributions

What will be evaluated?

  • Originality, creativity, fun, message
  • Salzburg/Austrian traditional costume – there are no limits to creativity
  • Quality of the pictures/videos – you/your group must be clearly recognizable
  • location outside of Austria


SalzburgerLand Tourismus GmbH (SLTG), Salzburg Farmer‘s Autumn, and the partners do not cover any costs incurred by the submitters during the production and submission of the work. By submitting, SLTG is granted the unrestricted right to use the contribution spatially and temporally in print and digital formats.



SalzburgerLand Tourismus GmbH - Bauernherbst
+43 662 6688-0
Wiener Bundesstraße 23
5300 Hallwang

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