From December 1st to 24th, a little door is opened every day in the Advent calendar to shorten the waiting time. Biscuits and Christmas fruit bread are baked, candles are lit on the Advent wreath, songs are sung and stories told. Advent is the time of joy and festivities: friends and families get closer together. And together they go, to Krampus (a folklore creature) and Percht (Alpine mythical goddess) runs as well as Advent concerts, or to meet on one of the charming Christmas or Advent markets. Letters are written to the Christ Child and presents are wrapped secretly and quietly.
Old customs still exist today in the land of Silent Night. In the valleys and small villages, they have survived the generations and are passed on to their own children, such as the cutting of the cherry branches on December 4th or smudging during the Twelve Days. It is a magical time which most would like to spend as quietly and mindfully as possible despite the hustle and bustle.
The Christmas song “Silent Night” is traditionally played in SalzburgerLand, Tyrol and Upper Austria on December 24th. It is reserved for this very special evening, is rung in with the bell and ends with walking to Christmas Mass together.
Good food is particularly important during the Advent and Christmas holidays. We have collected the most popular recipes from the three provinces. They are real Christmas classics, and perhaps one or the other dish was brought to the table during the days of Mohr and Gruber.
Inspirations around “Silent Night”!